Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Day 144

Almost 1 month didn't post anything right in my blog d.
Really a lot of unhappy thing happy around me but not me.
For me just feeling empty all the time.
For those day that I didn't continue writing the blog cause I knew that everyday that I keep writing my life in here feel like no meaning and Fu Hin only.
Does it really not important anymore?
I really dunno, but for me is it.


Meet up a lot of new friend.
And started to know what the meaning of betraying, used by someone and bla bla bla others I don't how to tell it out cause my English was poor enough.


Didn't expect there's a new life started.
Just expect before but I don't trust.
Outside this world really a horrible world for me.
I can feel there's still a lot of thing that waiting me outside.


That's really right.
Something we really cant control and care about the thing that happen around us.
Is really a tough way to walk on.